Magazine Wraps

for America’s Test Kitchen

America’s Test Kitchen produces two cooking magazines (Cook’s Illustrated and Cook’s Country) and both need a magazine wrap to act as a layer of protection during mailing and market new cookbooks and other products. I’ve been responsible for designing these wraps for four years and in that time I’ve elevated the design and improved sales by creating different layouts, visually engaging cover designs and consistency in type styling.


Cook’s Country Magazine Wraps

Over time I evolved the wrap designs to match the branding of their respective magazines, helping them feel more distinctive and recognizable. The cover of the Cook’s Country wrap directly mimics the cover of the magazine by using the same photo, visually tying them together. When only one title is featured on page one the extra space allows for more creative freedom and unique designs, like the ones featured below.


Cook’s Illustrated  Magazine Wraps

The defining feature of the Cook’s Illustrated magazine cover is the bright colorful borders that change issue to issue, so they’re also used on the wraps to create a strong visual connection to the magazine. The fonts align with those used in the magazine, and the color scheme changes based on the border colors. The most fun wrap cover to work on was the Vegetables Illustrated cookbook promotion, which involved a photo shoot and an abundance of fresh veggies.
